Gnanamani Ammal, a blessed woman of God

“…God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” (Gal.6: 14)


This website is dedicated to God the Father in memory of Gnanamani Ammal (3-10-1907 – 14-11-1994), a great woman of God but an ordinary housewife with seven children. You are not visiting this site by accident but are led by the blessed Holy Spirit to visit here. As you visit this site, you may prayerfully read the entire biography of this great woman of God from India.

These days, we ascribe blessedness to possession of material possessions or material prosperity. Many of us tend to believe that poverty is a curse from God. In this website, we present the biography of a great woman of God, an ordinary South Indian homemaker with six girls and one son. She lived and died for Christ. The Lord had given her many visions and revelations, which are prophetic in nature. These are a great source of blessings to the universal body of Christ. Her name is Gnanamani Ammal. She and her family glorified and praised God when they had no food to eat, and especially when they had not tasted any good food for five years. She glorified God when her husband passed away at a time when her children were young. She glorified God when God took her four daughters (one married daughter, two spinster daughters, and one younger daughter aged 2 years) to glory.

Today the Holy Spirit bears testimony to this blessed woman of God in the words of Elizabeth when she greeted Mary, the mother of Jesus, saying, "Blessed art thou among women" (Luke 1:42).

Please proceed to read chapter No.1